Philosophy / Rationale

  • ERAU-Prescott Campus students and faculty are the number one priority for Library services and resources.
  • Enrollment growth has placed increased demand on limited resources and facilities. 
  • ERAU students pay a Technology Fee which allows them free printing. It is not cost effective to extend this privilege to visitors.
  • ERAU, a private institution not associated with an incorporated municipality, is a member of the Yavapai Library Network (YLN). The YLN Support Agreement (Paragraph 5) does not apply to ERAU and ERAU does not have to provide equal access to use the Library facilities and services to all the residents of the County.


  • A visitor is defined as a non-ERAU student, faculty, staff, or non-affiliate. 
  • A non-ERAU student, under the age of 18, is defined as a minor and must be accompanied by an adult. The library cannot act in loco parentis.
  • Affiliates are defined as participants of programs contracted with ERAU for the period of time they are here, and include facilities and bookstore employees.

General Guidelines


  • May use the open study areas, books, periodicals, newspapers, and photocopy machines. 
  • May be asked to leave during peak times during the semester and asked to return at another time.
  • May pick up a book placed on hold with the YLN. 
  • May borrow books from ERAU; however they must have a valid Library card issued by a Yavapai Library Network public library.
  • Must comply with and abide by ERAU and Library policies and state and federal laws. Visitors must comply with the Library's Code of Conduct Policy, including disruptive conduct, sounds, or criminal behavior, and displaying explicit, offensive, or pornographic materials on their personal laptops and other portable electronic devices.
  • May use the catalog computers to locate books.
  • Will not be given a guest login for computer or printing use.
  • May not reserve rooms for public clubs, organizations, or personal use.
  • Will be referred to local public libraries to fulfill their information needs. 

Computer and Database Use

  • Computers are available for ERAU scholarly research and educational purposes only.
  • Use of computers is restricted to ERAU students, faculty, staff, alumni, and Prescott campus affiliates. 
  • Licensing agreements with database vendors restricts use to ERAU student, faculty, or staff. 

Research Assistance

  • ERAU Library staff may assist with basic research and use of the photocopy machines.
  • ERAU Library staff may limit the amount of time spent assisting visitors conducting extensive research, in order to provide support to ERAU clientele. 

Consequences of Misuse

  • Library staff may give visitors a verbal warning.
  • Library staff may notify Campus Safety and Security Department.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave the building or campus and may be subject to the sanctions of restricted Library privileges. 
  • Illegal acts involving Library resources may be the subject to prosecution by local, state, and/or federal officials.