Donations to Hazy Library Collections
Books, Periodicals, and DVDs
The Hazy Library accepts donations for the collection that have been published within the last 5 years, including books, journals, periodicals, and DVDs. Each donation is evaluated to ensure that it fits within the scope of our collection management inclusion policies.
Flight Manuals and Technical Reports
The library accepts all types of flight manuals and technical reports. Those not added to the Hazy Library will be given to the Aviation Safety and Security Archives.
Conditions of Acceptance
Gifts and donations become the property of the Hazy Library and Learning Center. The Hazy Library makes all necessary decisions as to retention, use, display, loan, and discard, at its discretion. Donors are asked to sign a Deed of Gift Agreement form for each donation.
Appraisal for Gifts
In accordance with Internal Revenue Service regulations, the Hazy Library does not assess, appraise, or estimate value to gifts-in-kind.
For more information about library donations, please contact:
Tawny Bright, Collections Management and Research Librarian || 928-777-3920.
Ways of Giving to ERAU
Arts and Artifacts to the Hazy Library
Please contact the Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement, Prescott Campus at 928-777-4210.
Monetary Donations
Financial donations can be made at the ERAU Philanthropy website: Giving to Embry-Riddle