Online Collections

Physical Collections

  • Books
  • Course Reserves
  • Reference Books 
  • Flight Manuals ⋆
  • CDs (non-music), DVDs and Blu-Ray
  • Newspapers ⋆
  • Journals ⋆
  • Magazines ⋆
  • Special Collections ⋆

Notice: ⋆ In-Library Use Only

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Looking for more?

  • Can't find what you need? Your EAGLEcard provides access to the entire Yavapai Library Network - that's over 51 public, academic, school, and special libraries spread across the entire Yavapai County!
  • Still looking? Discover our FREE Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service that allows you to borrow both print and online items not available through the Hazy Library or YLN.
  • Have a suggestion? Use the Purchase Request form to help add items to our collection! The library is here to support our students, staff and faculty and we strive to maintain a collection that reflects that mission.