Worthington Reading Room
A reading room is named in memory of Gertrude V. Worthington, a former ERAU Board of Trustees member for over 20 years and avid supporter of libraries. This rich, warm, and stately environment has oversized leather chairs, large tables with banker's lamps, and study carrels. As Worthington stated, it "ensures that students have a place to call their own at study time."
Computer Commons
As the hub of the Library, the Computer Commons is a technologically rich environment with 30 computers, scanners and printers. The computers have standard and non-standard university software programs.
Collaboration Rooms
Three collaboration rooms seat a maximum of 4-6 occupants each. Each room is equipped with computer projectors for multimedia creation and presentation. Of note, the ATP Room (Room 207) is named in honor of Aircraft Technical Publishers.
Group Study Rooms
We have 11 private study rooms available for individuals or for small groups to work together in a limited fashion due to social distancing.
Reserving a Room
Many of the rooms above may be reserved ahead of time. They include rooms: 204, 207, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 239, 241 (Group Computer Room - 3 maximum), and 248. To learn more about making or to make a reservation, please visit the Hazy Library's Online Room Reservation.
Testing Center
The Testing Center (Room 232) is the campus Testing Center. Please see the Testing Center page for hours, contacts and the Test Request Form.
Research Instruction Room
This classroom (Room 123) is designed with 20 computers and an instructor station. The Research and Instruction Librarians teach students how to locate, evaluate, and use information in the Information Literacy Program. When not in use, the room is available as an open computing lab for students.
Study Areas
Open tables and comfortable soft seating are available throughout the building for individual reading and study, and for small groups working together. Panoramic views of the mountains and horizons provide a light airy environment.